Trick or Treats? or 5 instant ways to boost sales at Halloween

In 2018, Halloween Sales Hit $9 Billion in the USA only according to the statistics. Don’t you want to eat a slice of this big Halloween pie?
Less than a week left to this holiday and if you are still unprepared, it’s not a big deal because about 20% of eCommerce retail sales occur over Halloween weekend. So you still have a chance to benefit from it. And our easy to follow tips will definitely help you remedy the situation.
Here are the top 5 recommendations on how to boost Halloween sales for online stores in lack of time.
1. Dress up your online store in a holiday spirit.
Even small details, such as the Halloween-themed company's logo, some pumpkin images over a website, black and orange decorations, creepy spider webs, and ghastly ghosts that will get the attention of everyone who’s surfing by, or pair of creepiest images there, will let your customers know that you have something special for them: either it Halloween costumes and decorations, or special spooky discounts on your goods and services. Let them know you are on the same wavelength.
2. Host a Halloween sales promotion.

Any holiday or celebration is a good opportunity to encourage your online shoppers to buy more while they are in a perfect buying mode. While interacting with customers on social media, offer them a gift or discount code so they can get your products saving some cash.
Keep your clients updated by sending them emails and messages about your sales promotion period. Also, you can email them a Halloween Newsletter.
3. Give away something special.
Attract new buyers and show your loyalty to the existing ones by giving something special away, whether it a demo version of your product/services, any tiny gift going together with their order as a surprise or anything else, - that’s a great time to say your customers that they are being loved and appreciated.
Also, you can partner with other companies to create a special offer together. This can be discounted tickets when customers shop with you or something like that. Moreover, this could lead to new business for both businesses.
Don’t forget about branding. Give out candies wrapped in covers with your logo, or even pass out bags with your name printed on them. So not only will they think of your e-store while shopping, but also all those people they meet — which is attracting more customers and increasing awareness of your eCommerce brand.
4. Host a Social Media Contest.

Engage your followers on social media and readers of your blog in a thematic contest for a week or so. For example, you can encourage your shoppers to share their images in Halloween costumes, decorated pumpkins, and creative treats, and have their friends vote for their look to win the prize money so they can spend them on your eCommerce website. As simply as it is.
Furthermore, you will get thousands of likes and shares that will increase your social presence. This social involvement with your brand increases the likelihood that these people will shop with you not just during Halloween, but all the following year.
5. Share DIY guides.
Teach your readers and potential customers with something useful at Halloween using your blog as a place to meet with them. As DIY is a big trend now, you can create a DIY guide full of creative ideas on how to celebrate this holiday: starting from creepiest recipes, costumes, craft decorations, and ending with a hosting an entire party for a big company. Encourage followers to post pictures of their “trick-or-treat” using your own hashtag. Interacting is guaranteed.
No matter how many tips you will follow, what really matters is that your online shoppers feel engaged, entertained and precious, and you increase your brand awareness and loyalty and boost your sales spending almost zero investments and time.
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