Sharing our experience with the community

On July 10th, there was a one-of-a-kind meeting of the marketing, business, sales, and development specialists in the IT sphere. The conference brought the best minds together. They shared their valuable experience and gave priceless pieces of advice in a particular sphere.
Yuliia Pronko spoke her heart at the conference, sharing her expert opinion on a specific issue. Yuliia highlighted the problem of mistakes that cost tens of thousands of dollars for their company.
Any IT company faces various obstacles and problems on its way regularly. To avoid these problems, you need to be extremely focused and adapt to any situation.
Yuliia shared the tips that can help in solving these issues. After all, this is life and everyone makes mistakes that can then turn into various colossal problems. But as Yuliia mentioned, every mistake is an invaluable experience on our thorny path. There is nothing better than to face your mistakes, admit them, fight them, and learn from mistakes.
The conference was amazing because a huge number of professionals in their field shared their points of view and gave their expert assessment on various issues. Pronko Consulting team is always happy to attend such conferences and spill the beans concerning any particular topic taking into account her wealth of experience.