Max Pronko named among 50 top Magento contributors of 2018

We are excited to say that Max Pronko, our CEO and lead Magento developer, was recognized as one of the 50 top Magento contributors for the second time in a row. For two years, Max’s effort in improving and enhancing Magento functionality have been earning the appreciation of the Magento team.
As any open-source product, Magento depends heavily on the contributions of its community members, both individuals and partner companies. Magento community members add new features, enhance the existing ones, fix bugs, and suggest possible improvements in the platform.
Another important line of Magento community contributions is the popularization of the platform and education of both young and experienced developers. And here Max Pronko’s contribution can hardly be underestimated. Max finds the time to record dozens of educational videos that he publishes on his Magento DevChannel. In his videos, he shares the latest Magento news, shows various tips and hints making Magento development easier, presents step-by-step tutorials on Magento flows.
Apart from video tutorials, Max holds offline trainings and conferences inviting young and seasoned Magento developers to learn advanced development techniques. His events are useful both for Magento beginners and experienced developers alike, as they always are a welcoming space for discussion and knowledge sharing.
Besides, according to the mini-interview that Max gave us last year after being named one of the 50 top Magento contributors of 2017, the preparation for each training, conference or online tutorial is always a chance for himself to learn something new.
Max is enthusiastically following other eCommerce innovations, and in January 2019, joined another open-source initiative - VueStorefront, a project for building Progressive Web Applications using VueJS. Max took part in the latestVueStorefront Hackathon and made a contribution to the project.
We would like to congratulate Max Pronko and all Magento contributors on their achievements and wish them a productive and rewarding year 2019. For young Magento developers, we are glad to announce a Magento 2 training on customization techniques that Max will hold in London on February 27-28, 2019. Browse the agenda and reserve your seat at the training.
For the latest news on Magento and the related tools and products, development tips, digests of the Magento-related resources, subscribe to Max Pronko’s blog.