Benefits of instructor-led Magento training

Today, education is leaning towards the online format with many arguments in its favor. It is convenient, it lets you learn at your pace, it allows you to choose the most suitable time and place, it requires no traveling or attending courses in person. True, such learning format is very effective and its popularity is deserved.
At the same time, instructor-led trainings or face-to-face trainings are not losing ground either. While they may seem less convenient than e-learning, they still win in a number of aspects.
Better student engagement
Unlike online training, where you can get distracted easily, attending a class requires a complete focus on the learning process. In a classroom, you will be fully immersed in the material.
Magento is a complex development platform, and learning it takes a lot of self-discipline and attention. At the same time, an intensive two-day instructor-led training can be as effective as a month of self-studies. When you study online, you are very likely to multi-task or interrupt your learning process for other, more urgent, activities. When, on the other hand, you have devoted your time to attend a course in the classroom, you will be more focused on your studying.
Ability to ask questions and get immediate answers
In any learning process, questions are inevitable. Of course, online instructors offer their contacts for eventual questions and answer them quickly.
However, in a classroom course, the Q&A process is the most natural. Students can ask their questions as soon as they arise without waiting for the end of the course. Here, the principle of making hay while the sun shines applies perfectly, and students’ questions help to enhance the material and clear away any misconceptions.
Besides, when the training is aimed not only at beginner Magento developers but also at professionals, the Q&A sessions may become a great time for exchanging experience and sharing tips and tricks.
Practical exercises with immediate feedback
Any training, both online and face-to-face, can - and should! - include practical exercises. Yet, when you are studying online, there is no instructor to check your work and to suggest improvements. Of course, online courses also provide feedback, usually in the form of test results, but live discussion of your work is always more effective.
Moreover, in a classroom students can suggest different ways of reaching the goal of the exercise, offer solutions from their experience, and get their instructor’s feedback instantly.
Getting together with like-minded people
The Magento community is huge with many members contributing to its code. A classroom course is a great opportunity to get together with people working with Magento and make new friends.
In an instructor-led classroom training, discussions may spark at every opportunity and often result in a deeper understanding of the subject by the students. Besides, even the instructor may learn something new from their students.
Getting away from work and rebooting your mind
With all its intensity, a two-day Magento course may be a true retreat for busy developers who are often stressed by deadlines and multiple tasks. Letting go of your work matters and opening your mind to new knowledge may become a refreshing change.
Becoming a student for two days shifts the focus and lets the developer fully devote their time to learning. With online trainings, many developers combine work with studies that may create too much pressure.